This is the line for the Swim Classes at the Sunset Park Pool. It wouldn't be all that bad, except it's the line at 10:45 AM - almost two hours AFTER registration started. When I walked by again, at just after Noon, the line had been shifted (without incident) to allow for pool goers to get in. It was still an impressive line, but it seemed to be moving along. One parent told me he's actually been in line almost three hours. There will be a waiting list for those who don't make it into the classes at first. Mornings in the pool will be worth it, I'm sure!
Course II and Course III have registration days on July 24th and August 13th, respectively.
Hey, I like your blog. I was just thinking last night that Sunset Park is pretty freaking awesome in the summertime. I'm excited to go to the Greenmarket this Saturday.
I wondered if you had any forums about services in SP -- I'm desperately seeking a seamstress!
Also, the pool rules. Early morning swims are the best :)
Depending on what you want for a seamstress, the cleaners on 8th between 44th and 43rd is decent (it's my replacement for Ho Ho), and there is a very good sastreria on 5th Avenue and 61st. It's on the west side of the street. I'm working on a services section, but it's slow-going. See you in the AM.
I actually wasn't too impressed with the actual swim lessons. Definitely not worth the wait:
A bunch of kids herded in the water by a a smaller bunch of older kids (instructors). Many of the instructors themselves didn't seem too interested in teaching nor did they really involve themselves in teaching. Many kids goofed off while not even noticed by instructor. Which is not to say it's easy to teach that many kids at one time.
On a good day the ratio was like 10 kids to one instructor.
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