Now, when my bourgeoise (can you rent and be bourgeoise?), middle-American (although I've never lived in the actual middle of America) self saw the title of the upcoming "Spectacle Spectacular" at Light Industry, some of you can probably guess what I immediately thought. Can't you? Yes! Moulin Rouge! It's practically perfect in every way. Who can resist Ewan McGregor, Madonna lyrics, and an elephant bedroom? You want big laughs, fun songs, and a good cry? Watch it. Seriously.
Sadly, Light Industry is NOT showcasing Nicole Kidman in her greatest role. They are, however, going to appeal to all of us who love the idea of peeping into private and public spaces with detail. Nothing sordid, just an honest curiosity. The bonus is that the show opens with a Sunset Park sunset. The filming took place in the Light Industry loft space and from the roof of the building. There will be lots to see, I'm sure.
As always, the Tuesday evening show begins at 8 PM and costs $6 at the door. Light Industry is located at 55 33rd Street, on the third floor. Check out Light Industry's website for more detail.
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