Friday, February 6, 2009

Culver Garden Group Wants You (to do some homework)

The possibility of a garden near the 9th Avenue train station is beginning to take a pretty definite shape. However, what often happens with well-meaning projects, a small group of dedicated people (who have everyday lives to lead on top of the project) are doing a mountain of work.

Want to lend a hand? From the group posting, here are some of the tasks that need attention:

* location/historical research
-go to transit museum, topographic map office of the borough
president, ask at the MTA station, etc...

*contact other garden groups
NYC restoration project
Green Guerillas
and anyone in the community that we think would be useful to write a letter of support

If you're interesting in finding out more, clarifying the tasks, joining the group, or volunteering your time, enthusiasm, and expertise, go to the Yahoo group side for Culver Garden.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I found your blog on the internet and wanted to let you know about an upcoming event in Sunset Park. It is an IMPACT Conference for Immigrant Parents on Feb 28th from 10-1 at PS 503. There will be 3 workshops for parents including parent’s rights in the schools; students access to college; and early development milestones. The conference will be in Spanish with English and Mandarin (and possibly Cantonese) translations. Child care and refreshment will be provided. If it is possible, we would appreciate if you would post this on your site so more people can know about it. People can RSVP to Leonia at 718-237-2017 at extension 155. Thank you for your time.
