Monday, March 23, 2009

Dog Park Proposal

On Thursday, March 26th at 6:30 PM, a group of Sunset Park Dog Owners will present a proposal for a dog run in Sunset Park to the Parks Committee of CB 7. The meeting will be at the CB 7 offices at 4201 4th Avenue (entrance on 43rd Street).

If you own a dog, are thinking about owning a dog, or if you love/are bothered by dogs in Sunset Park, you may want to attend this meeting. It's purely informational at this point; it's not a hearing to air grievances or support.

There seems to be a split in the dog owning community between people who want an official dog run and those who enjoy the pre-9 AM and post-9 PM off-leash hours. Apparently, with an official dog run, those hours would no longer exist. I could be (very) wrong, but I'll bet it's cleared up at this informational meeting!

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