Remember the scene above? Granted, not without its problems. A good time had by most, nonetheless.

A couple of seasons of neglect have left the kiddie sprinkler area looking much worse for wear.

And it has been a lot of wear. Wonder where the benches went? Not to worry. They didn't get far.

Besides being a hang-out for impromptu binge drinking and passing out, this area has also become a skateboarding destination. I guess the kids who come here don't mind putting in a little elbow grease (or at least some sweat equity) for their skatepark. Or maybe they're afraid of the super-tough skateboarders who hang out at the actual skatepark at Owl's Head Park. Their graffiti is really boring, too. And ugly. Unfortunately, it's also really big. They were proud of it though, seeing as how they signed their artwork.
1 comment:
Like many things in life, it's easier to get it new than to maintain it. I think this space should be used for other activities during the off seasons. May be fence it in along with the pool will prevent unwanted uses. I guess this summer young children could still use the sun sprinkler at the play equipment area if it's so operable. (I don't remember if it was on last summer.)
Nice photos of how a space was "used".
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