Forget the $5 foot long at Subway. Check out the stretch of 5th Avenue from 46th to 53rd for $5 pairs of shoes (ladies, for the most part). Not all had $5 shoes, some advertised 20% off, or various other bargain-sounding prices. I peeked into a couple of the places, and while they were very well patronized, the shoes aren't quite my style - even if they are my price. Seriously, one place had NO flat shoes. None. But if you need a pair of high heels in silver, white, or leopard print, get over to 5th Avenue NOW.

Another place (see photo above), in the mid-40's, did have flats, and I was tempted, but I don't
need silver shoes right now.
Anyway, if you are more fashionable than I (and who isn't?), and if your balance is good (the heels were high), stroll along 5th for an hour. I'll bet you find something.
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