Anything that can keep a bunch of toddlers and slightly older youngsters (and the adults who accompany them) sitting still for an hour or more is pretty darn impressive, if you ask me. And that's exactly what happened on Wednesday when the Life Lines Players came to Sunset Park to share the
Adventures of Corduroy with a bunch of eager kids. The Center for Family Life and the Friends of Sunset Park brought us this performance.
With a disco number (see the
BViB flickr pool,
VeesVision got some shots of that), familiar tales of Corduroy's adventures in laundromats and looking for the perfect birthday gift for very best friend Lisa, and group dances, the Lifelines group entertained a tough audience for over an hour. It was a low-tech and low-key costumed affair, but the young actors and singers carried the show to a rapt audience. Who needs fancy wigs and hoop skirts to put on a play like our neighbors to the north? We'll take matching t-shirts, enthusiasm, and bear-ears any day. Just keep my kid entertained! Kudos to the entertainers and their coaches.
Corduroy and friend address the audience.
Despite the coordinated dance moves, most of the kids in the audience were checking out the moon.
March of the toy animals.
These guys were really great, and managed to pull off this particular performance and its moves
to the delight of the kids watching.
High kicking with canes.
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