Friday, April 11, 2008

Cinderella Samba at the Sunset Park Rec Center

Today was the final performance of "Cinderella Samba" at the SP Recreation Center. It's presented by the Swedish Cottage Marionette Theatre usually located in Central Park. Since I am the queen (or maybe duchess) of free programs, as soon as I found out about it, I called to reserve my spaces. We arrived almost 45 minutes early for the 10:30 AM performance, and we ended up in the front row with a few other Moms, care-takers, and kids. Around 10 AM the school groups started to arrive. Let me tell you, I'm used to high school kids, and these kids were WELL-BEHAVED. In fact, the little boy directly in front of several moms with babies and toddlers from eight to eighteen months was patient to the point of being angelic.

Once the show began, I think the adults were more rapt than the children, but it held their attention for the entire almost 60 minutes. Only the ballads were a tad trying on the babes' and elementary schoolers attention spans. It's a great program for the communities it visits. I was really surprised how relatively few parents and caretakers took advantage of the show. Perhaps it was an advertising issue, perhaps, especially in this area, it was a language issue.

Well, I had fun. I love marionettes, and I love free stuff. And my pseudo-angelic child was pretty cooperative with the assistance of some Oatios.

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