Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sunset Park's Industry City has Affordable Space for Artists or Whatever

Brooklyn Based made it out to Industry City - lured in by the promise of cheap rents for lots of space. If you've visited Light Industry's Tuesdays shows, you've been there. If you've gone to CostCo, you've been to the edge of there. If you've wandered around in the 30's (perhaps after shopping at Rossman's) hoping to check out the waterfront, you've been there.

Here's a taste of what BB had to say:

...Industry City is a six-million-square-foot swath of industrial buildings within the 24-acre Bush Terminal, built in the early 1900s when the borough's waterfront was a bustling port and trading center. Now owned by Industry City Associates, the complex bears traces of the past - like rail tracks for trains that used to service the terminal - and industrial businesses that employ thousands of people.

See the entire piece here.

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