Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Yoga Classes at the Rec Center Get a Make-Over

It's not that they needed a make-over. From what I've heard, lots of people really enjoyed the yoga classes held at the Rec Center. However, there's a new teacher running the show now, and she wants to get the word out about her more vigorous classes.

The short of it is that on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:15 PM, you can drop by the dance room (left hand side of the rotunda) for some serious yoga. You must be a member of the Rec Center, but at $50 a year, if you go two or three times for the yoga alone, you're already breaking even.

Here's the long of it, straight from the teacher's keyboard:

Suryasta (Sunset) Yoga in Sunset Park Rec Center (Dance Room)
Tue & Thurs @ 6.15 pm
Open Class with Jenya Andrianova

Jivamukti Yoga method is a combination of vigorous physical and intellectually stimulating practices leading to spiritual awareness.
Open class is open to students of all levels.

Every class promotes educational aspect of the practice giving students the source of where ideas have come from.
Sanskrit chanting, readings and references to scriptural texts;
Playing uplifting music during the class (From Beatles to Classical);
Asana sequencing and yogic breathing exercises (postures linked with breath);
Meditation instruction and practice at the end of each class.

Less Personality, More Universality.
Sri Brahmananda Sarasvati


willow said...

jenya's classes are incredible, she puts her whole being into each class she teaches. her classes are a workout for the body and the mind and they nourish the spirit.

nancythecrow said...

I plan on attending for the first time this coming Tues. 9/8. I hope they extend these classes into Fall/Winter.