Friday, July 4, 2008

Light Industry Presents Jim Morrison Inspired Poetry

So it's not truly, or solely, inspired by Jim Morrison, but I'll take any excuse to post this image.

On July 8th, Marisa Olson (a truly multi-faceted artist) will put her teenage angst on display during Tuesday's 8 PM presentation. Her book of poetry, Poems I Wrote While Listening to The Doors, 1992-1994 (before I found the internet) was written during her high school years. As the description of the evening says, Olson believes we can learn much more from "public humiliation and the aesthetics of success" than from success. Probably quite true. Thankfully, she will be publicly humiliating herself and not the audience - quite generous of her. Guest poets and performers will be reading and performing excerpts of her book, and Olson will perform as well. Sounds like an interesting evening.

As always, it's $6 at the door. For a full description and a list of artists who will perform excerpts, go to Light Industry's website and go to the calendar.

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